Thursday, January 2, 2014

Resolution Songs // Month 1

It's that time of year again. When we take the time to evaluate and reflect on the past year, and think towards the new year--making plans, goals, and resolutions. We purchase gym memberships, start meal-planning, buy datebooks, and set the alarm clocks. There are reading plans and recipes, new schedules and appointments, cleaning and cooking and settling back into routines now that the holiday confetti has settled. 

I'm not one for resolutions generally. I've become jaded and cynical, knowing that I can make all the plans in the world, but life always gets in the way. Perhaps that makes me a giver-upper, undedicated, and lazy--or perhaps that just makes me realistic. Either way, I stopped making resolutions years ago. I've seen others just choose one little word to set the theme for their upcoming year, words like "grace", "joy", and "gratitude". I really liked this idea, and I've spent the last few days trying to come up with my word for 2014.  I got nothing. 

And then inspiration struck whilst scrolling through my Instagram feed, from none other than Ms. WifeySinger herself. She writes: 
"instead of resolutions for the year, i am taking a month at a time. disciplining, organizing, forgiving, trusting, changing."
Amen. I love this idea. One month at a time, step-by-step; crawling, walking, sprinting, crying, screaming, laughing--however the month finds me. As I thought about what inspires me and speaks to me most, it was an easy answer: music. Music moves me at my core, communicates straight to my heart, and leaves me changed every time. 

And thus, here is what I resolve for 2014, with admirable purpose and unwavering determination: I resolve to choose one song for each month of this year--12 songs total--to meditate on, learn to sing and play, and let shape and change me. I commit to prayerfully choosing each song and posting them here on this blog, for accountability and remembrance. 

And that's it. Without further ado, here is January's Resolution Song:

Come to Save Us
All Sons and Daughters

You have come to save us
You have come to save us
You have come to save us, Lord

You have made a way here
You have made the way clear
You have come to save us, Lord
You have come to save us, Lord

Jesus, You’re the one who saves us
Jesus, You’re the one who saves us
King of all the other kings on earth
Jesus, You’re the one who saves us
Jesus, You’re the one who saves us
King of all the other kings on earth

You are light and fire
You are our desire
You have come to save us, Lord

You’re the hope among us
You’re the peace that binds us
You have come to save us, Lord
You have come to save us, Lord

Jesus, You’re the one who saves us
Jesus, You’re the one who saves us
King of all the other kings on earth
Jesus, You’re the one who saves us
Jesus, You’re the one who saves us
King of all the other kings on earth

King of all Kings and Lord of all Lords
Light of the world, You shine
King of all Kings and Lord of all Lords
Light of the world, You shine

Jesus, You’re the one who saves us
Jesus, You’re the one who saves us
King of all the other kings on earth
Jesus, You’re the one who saves us
Jesus, You’re the one who saves us
King of all the other kings on earth
King of all the other kings on earth
King of all the other kings on earth

1 comment:

  1. well. AMEN. you're my favorite.
    loving this year of songs idea, yes!!


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