Tuesday, March 25, 2014

On Photos

I have been inspired recently by a dear Insta-friend to take more photos with my husband. She and her husband have made it a priority to take a photo together each week, for memories and for their children. 

I love this idea. It's so easy for me to take photos of beautiful things--places I've been, meals I've cooked, people I love, my cats. But John and I rarely get behind the camera together. I think we both like taking photos, and it's also just easy to forget to take pictures together. Or I don't have any makeup on and am feeling self-conscious. This should not be. I want to remember us, at every age and stage, with every haircut, made-up or not, dimples, wrinkles, and the on-coming grey hairs and all. I love us, and here's a photo to prove it. 

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I'm so guilty of not snapping enough with j and I as well!!


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