Tuesday, April 12, 2011

New Life

My dearest friend here in Korea has just undergone the glorious experience of childbirth. After months and months of waiting, praying and preparing the little man has finally arrived, and a week early to boot! I am so so proud of my dear friend who opted for a water birth, and she did the whole thing all natural! 

Thank you Jesus for the safe arrival of this precious new life. May You bless Mommy, Daddy & Baby greatly as they embark on this wonderful journey! 

So here's to you, my dear Gail, and your beautiful little family! 

1 comment:

  1. Thank goodness for friends who have babies :) We have good friends who just had the most beautiful little girl! I spent a good hour staring at her and drooling while Matt asked questions like "How much do these things cost?"


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